“The scale of the changes that we are experiencing in the climate system is unprecedented.”

Originally posted on Readers' Salon:
These words were shared by Hans-Otto Pörtner, Co-Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), on Sunday. He said: Climate change is shaping the future of our civilization. If action is not taken it will take the planet into an unprecedented climate future if we compare it to what…

Do what’s right for you, unapologetically.

We feel the need to apologize or make excuses for doing things that make a positive impact in our lives. Why? For example, I had coffee with a friend a bit ago and we were talking about TED Talks and how we both enjoy them. That’s okay, right? Lots of people enjoy TED Talks. But…

“We’re scared of you,” she wrote.

A few years ago, I read an article written by a female journalist that upset me. Unfortunately, it was long ago and I can’t find the article to link to (believe me, I’ve tried!), or name the journalist, my apologies. But something I read in that article stuck with me and took a long time…

“A woman’s worst enemy…”

When I was about thirteen, I heard my dad say, “A woman’s worst enemy is another woman.” At that age I didn’t really understand what he meant, but his words stuck with me. Over the years, I have seen so much evidence of those words being true. Women are raised to compete with each other,…

Pet names, hugs, and expectations

“I’m not hugging him.” I recently stated to my husband, on our way to pick up his truck at the dealership. I was referring to our car salesman (let’s call him Fred, shall we?) We’ve dealt with this dealership over the last few years and according to Fred, we’re “part of the [dealership name] family.”…

Minimalism, get inspired and free yourself from stuff!

I watched Minimalism on Netflix a few weeks ago. Minimalist living is about changing your thought process about “stuff,” particularly, your stuff. I have a bit of an advantage, I’m naturally a purger. Since moving away from my childhood home at 18, the longest I’ve lived anywhere is five years (this is by chance, not…

Love is a decision

I have a very wise aunt who has taught me many important life lessons. One lesson she taught me is the importance of making decisions with your head, not just your heart. The difference between intellectual stability and emotional fickleness. She said to me, “Love is a decision.” If you make a decision with your…

One at a time, we can build a village

In the 1990’s Canada learned publicly about it’s dark history of residential schools and the government’s and church’s attempt to wipe out First Nations culture and forcibly assimilate the people into Western societal expectations. They did this by making laws to remove children from their homes and families, 150,000 of them, and submersing them in…

No place for “girls” in the workplace

“I’ll get the girls to do it in the morning,” Bob* said into his work phone. My ears sizzled. He finished his phone conversation and hung up. “What ‘girls’?” I said. “Huh?” “You said you’ll get the ‘girls’ to do it — what ‘girls’?” “The girls at work, they do some. . .” [blah blah…

One drop makes big ripples

I love the idea of small acts creating big changes. Many of us ask ‘what difference can I make? I’m just one person. I have don’t have the public speaking skills, or the connections to make a difference, or I don’t even know what kind of difference I want to make.’ What happens if we…